Category: videos

Novo vídeo – Como fazer o seu DCP com o DCP-O-Matic

Este vídeo está publicado desde junho no canal do YouTube do Blender Velvets, mas só agora deu tempo de fazer o post.

Inevitavelmente, se você quiser passar seus filmes em um cinema digital, terá de gerar um DCP. É o caso da rede de salas da SP Cine, que cobre os CEUs de São Paulo, por exemplo. Nem toda gente sabe, mas os projetores digitais de cinema são conectados a um servidor, que nada mais é do que um computador onde os filmes são inseridos (ou “ingestados”, no jargão da indústria). Este servidor roda Linux. Sim, nas principais salas de cinema comerciais.

O Digital Cinema Package é um tipo de pacote composto por várias faixas – vídeo, trilhas de áudio, legendas. É o formato padrão da indústria e é o formato lido por estes servidores. Com o DCP-O-Matic, é possível transcodificar seu vídeo para DCP em casa, a partir de um computador comum. Como o programa é livre (FOSS), isso faz com que a exibição dos filmes fique um pouco mais próxima de estúdios ou videomakers independentes.

Em 2013, na época do Floresta Vermelha, este mesmo processo teve de ser feito usando o Open DCP, o que o tornava possível, mas bastante incerto. Já o DCP-O-Matic foi pensado para automatizar e simplificar todas as etapas. Ficou super fácil. =)

Este tutorial de uma hora foi criado a partir de um pedido vindo da própria SP Cine, com o objetivo de facilitar o acesso das pessoas à criação de DCPs. Junto com o especialista Thiago André, doutor pela USP, passamos por todos os passos, levantando as principais dúvidas que podem aparecer no caminho. Taí, agora é só fazer!

Se você quiser o mesmo vídeo pelo canal da SP Cine, aí vai:

CryptoRave 2017 Teaser


The new teaser for CryptoRave 2017 is out, featuring a model created by the Blender community: Animegirl_Leadwolf, by sowrdsd. Motion capturing was made by Angelo ‘gelo’ Benetti and mocap model is Nathalia Watanabe.

The CryptoRave is a mix between a cryptoparty and a cryptography for human rights defenders conference made to last 24h. This video ends the teaser trilogy started in 2015 and shows how to acquire super powers with the use of few tools. Dematerialize yourself.

Blender Velvets updated for Blender 2.77



The Blender Velvets are ready for the recent Blender 2.77 release! An important note is that there are some internal changes in the new Blender update, so the Velvets for Blender 2.76 are not compatible with 2.77 – just download the new versions and reinstall the ones you use.


New features in VSE

Blender 2.77 has introduced two interesting features this time: the first is that new projects change their FPS according to the first video you insert on your timeline. Cool stuff. =)

The second and most important one is that you can add whole nested scenes to your timeline using Shift+A and chosing “Scene” – remember that with Velvet Goldmine, you can navigate through your Scenes using Shift+Tab.This is probably a very expected addition so many kudos to the Blender team, that has been improving the VSE steadly these last years!

The bad news. Thing is if you try to use Velvet Revolver to toggle between full res and proxies, you’ll realise it won’t affect the nested scene, even though the code has been recently reviewed to affect metastrips (thanks Nathan for pointing that out!).

This issue will probably addressed by the Velvets in the near future but until then, in case you want to use the new “Import Scene” function with Velvet Revolver, you’ll have to run the shortcuts in all the scenes you’re using: Shift+Tab to navigate to them, then Ctrl+Alt+P/Ctrl+Shift+P to toggle between proxies/fullres in each scene.

Also, there is a small change in one of the Velvet Shortcuts. The function “Set Timeline start to frame one” has now a new shortcut, since Alt+S is now taken for “Swap Inputs”, so use Alt+1 instead.


Blender bugfix?

Blender 2.77 also brings a bugfix of an error that ocurred especially when using Ctrl+UpArrow and Ctrl+DownArrow with the strips in the timeline. Unfortunately, the new behaviour is not as it used to be in Blender 2.73 (long ago!). If you Ctrl+DownArrow your strips until they get over the ones on the channel right below them, they’ll be thrown to the end of that strip, messing up completely your edit. A new bug report has to be added or the Velvet code will have to be rewritten – until then, watch out.


Community rises

The community around the Blender Velvets is starting to sprout. Thanks Nathan, Magali and mentat-fr for help with the code, documentation and thrown out ideas. Things have been rushy, but hopefully all email answering and code reviewing will be done soon.


Some video


This is a somewhat strange video as teaser for the Cryptorave 2016. The Cryptorave is a huge crypto party conference in São Paulo and since Brazil is now all about politics (and the rise of NeoFascism), the audio is loud and messed up with the bombs (just in case no one has ever blown teargas in your face). Just don’t take it too seriously and things will be fine.