Why integrate Blender with a DAW
Audio functionalities in Blender were implemented in 2011 as part of the monitored development program that happens every year in Google Summer of Code. From that moment on, it was possible to do the main audio manipulations you’d expect to be made inside a video editor, such as inserting keyframes for fading in and out, use a crossfade effect, transforming stereo audio in mono and pan it.
For more complex projects, however, that ask for a careful sound treatment, you are required to use especialized software. We talked a little about that when we described Blender’s limitations. Nowadays, the main free and open source (FOSS) program for DAWs, or Digital Audio Workstations, is Ardour, a complete suite with its own set of effects, plugins and development cycle.
During the Red Forest project, in 2013, we felt the need to integrate these two applications. That’s why we decided to act on the solution for the problem in the medium term, developing an especific addon to solve it.
Blue Velvet integrates Blender with Ardour, making it possible to export the your project’s timeline with all it’s audio cuts from the first program in a legible format by the latter. The objective is to allow the video editor to work on a more fluid way with the audio technician.
An example of complex project, Red Forest’s Making Of is 32 minutes long.
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Here, the project’s audios have been arranged to keep the similar interviews on the same channels.
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The same project, exported from Blender via Blue Velvet, opened by Ardour.
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How to install Blue Velvet
To install Blue Velvet, click on the link below to go to the Download Area of the website.
Addons last update | Go to the Download Area |
Once downloaded, the file with Blue Velvet (blue_velvet.py) is inside a zipped folder, together with the other Blender Velvets addons. Open it as you would with any regular .zip file and extract them to some place of your choice (for example, at the Desktop).
Follow the detailed instructions on how to install Blue Velvet at the How to install the addons section from the page How to configure Blender for video. Pay attention to the instructions related to FFMPEG and to audio configuration.
How to use Blue Velvet
It’s quite easy to use Blue Velvet. The important thing is to export your timeline only when you get to your final version, so that both video editor and audio technician work using the same version.